iPhone App

Roadrunner Comfort iPhone App

Change set temperature and fan speed, or use manual control from within your home Wifi network (NOT from anywhere)

ON mode

speed LOW / speed HIGH: change fan speed

WARMER: raise set temperature by one degree

COOLER: reduce set temperature by one degree

OFF: turn cooler off, go to OFF screen

Setup: go to setup screen

ROADRUNNER: go to help screen

OFF mode

ON: turn cooler on at set temperture

MANUAL: go to manual operation

Setup: go to setup screen

ROADRUNNER: go to help screen

Manual Mode

Control pump, fan, and fan hi/lo setting via independent switches or rotary “knob”.

Touch MANUAL to switch between “knob” and switches.

Flexible Setup

If you never change the fan speed, hide the control.

Prefer to use it left-handed? No problem.

New network? Re-enter the wifi address of your controller.

Easy Installation

Wifi Address setup is simple. Just enter the digit string shown on the setup screen of your controller. The name is optional.

Need help?

Touch the Roadrunner Comfort symbol on any screen